Braided textiles to improve the competitiveness of the composite materials industry in northwestern Europe.
The NWE zone is a key region for the global value chain of composite materials. The composite market is growing (5% / year) and end users are looking for parts produced in large series. This industry in NWE suffers from a lack of competitiveness and is subject to competition from low-cost countries. It is possible to reverse the trend by strengthening the competitiveness of companies, allowing them to innovate through rapid, automated and repeatable manufacturing processes. In particular, it is necessary to innovate on the method of implementation of textile reinforcements. The COBRACOMP project will strengthen the competitiveness of 80 SMEs in the value chain for the production of composite materials. A pilot braiding machine will be developed to develop two innovative textile architectures, as well as digital simulation and part design tools. The creation of a transnational network on the theme of composite materials with braided reinforcements will make it possible to disseminate the information to all the targets of the project.
Period : 2019 –
Keywords : braided composite – reinforcement – competitiveness – europe – innovation – machine – SME – network
Website : Cobracomp
Partners :
Ensait contact : Xavier LEGRAND