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Sensorial project (virtual clothing fitting room, human models and recommendation system for creators)

Many consumers do not take the step of ordering clothes or more generally textile for fear that the virtual representation is not true to the article actually. The traditional trade suffers, as for him, conditions of fitting. Customers often complain about hygiene, comfort and lack of space in fitting rooms.

Using artificial intelligence techniques and methodologies of psychology and cognitive ergonomics, and 3D presentation, Camille: 3D sensory will allow through generic methods:
– to set up qualitative and quantitative means to evaluate the notions of comfort and well-being,
– to master the drafting of specifications, based on the interpretation of the senses, and on the required functionalities, in adequacy with the functional specifications,
– to better understand the interactions between vision, hearing and touch
– to design new textile products respecting sensory specifications, based on complex criteria such as textile comfort, well-being and style.
– to establish tools to set up a 3D fitting room and to assess the goodness of the clothes
– to have a synthetic return of the customer experience on the proposed new technologies

Period : 2011 – 2015
Keywords : scan 3D – virtual testing – online sales – sensorial
Website :
Partners : /

Ensait contact : Xianyi ZENG