Full Professor
- +33(0)3 20 25 64 69
- anne.perwuelz@ensait.fr
GEMTEX – MTP group ( Multifunctional Textile Process) – Sustainable textiles (co-founder of Tex&Care, the chair of circular fashion)
Section CNU 62 : Process engineering
Research skills
- ecodesign, green chemistry, sustainable process, LCA : life cycle assessment, circular economy,
- surface, wetting, adhesion, impregnation, contact angle
Research interests
Theme 1 : Textile Surfaces and Interfaces at different scales
Theme 2 : Sustainable Textile treatments
Theme 3 : Ecodesign InTextiles : Environmental Assessment of textiles Products and Processes.
Research links
- Publications on ResearchGate :https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Anne-PerwuelzThesis: http://www.theses.fr/fr/?q=Anne+Perwuelz
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.com/scholar?as_vis=0&q=perwuelz&hl=fr&as_sdt=0,5
- 2012-2021 SMDTEX ( Erasmus Mundus)- Sustainable Management and Design for Textiles
- 2014 -2018 DESHYBOU (FUI project)- Innovative Process for Sludge deshydration
- 2015/19 ECLIN (Region Hauts de France project) – Rethinking textile conception with flax for a circular economy.
- 2018-2022 ECyTWIN (Interreg IV)- Eco-cycle Innovation for the Textile and Woodworking Industries
- 2019 OZONEFlax (Region Hauts de Franceproject) : Ozone treatment of flax fibres
- 2020-2023 CLEANTEX (Erasmus) – Clean and Innovative Textiles Strategy for Circular Economy
- 2020-2023 LACMC (Region Hauts de Franceproject) Launch and support of Tex&Care, the circular fashion chair
- 2022-2026 REGENCELL (ANR French National Research Agency) Green process of dissolving wood cellulose for the production of textile yarn
Call for environmental impact assessment of bio-based dyeing – an overview.
Muthu S S (ed) – The detox fashion – Cleaning up fashion sector. Springer Publications 2018
- 70 papiers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals
- 140 papiers presented in international scientific conferences
- List of publications on ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Anne-Perwuelz
Master level ENSAIT :
- Sustainability in Textiles
- Surface Thermodynamics and applications in textile
Doctoral School – Lille University
- Sensitization to responsible innovation – Life Cycle Thinking
specific missions
- CTI : Expert (2012/2018)
- ECOCERT- Greenlife : President of the textile certification monitoring committee – 2010/2015
- ACIT (Associations of Textile Chemists and Colourists): Président (2011/2015 )and Vice President (since 2015) of ACIT, Association of Chemists of Textile Industry – in charge of relations with IFATCC: International Federation ofAssociations of Textile Chemists and Colourists
- AVNIR : Active memeber of the Administration Comitee – President of the scientific council of the AVNIR congress on the application of the life cycle thinking in business (2012/2015) – Active member of the working groups on teaching and research in Life Cycle Analysis of the AVNIR platform
- UGéPE: Active member of the UGéPE group (since 2008): Union of Process Engineering in Nord Pas de Calais – Vice President Conference Research SFGP Société Francaise de
Process Engineering – Lille 2011 - In co-charge of the Pedagogical Reform
- Elected member of ENSAIT Board of Studies – since 2005 ENSAIT Board of Directors – since 2012
- Named member of ENSAIT Development Council – since 2010
- Youtube : Les fibres recyclées
- Youtube : l’enjeu des matériaux durables
- Youtube : les matières et l’approvisionnement durable